Player Experience, Gaming and Virtual Reality Technologies

  • Patrícia Gouveia Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Paulo Martel Universidade do Algarve / CBMR - Centre for Biomedical Research
Palavras-chave: virtual reality, oculus rift, gaming experiences, play installations


This paper uses a communication sciences methodological approach (arts-based research1) in the way it combines speculative thinking, game design and game theory to the interpretation and future use of new gaming devices and software for Virtual Reality game and play experiences. Starting with the following research questions: Is it possible to combine game engines and virtual reality HMD’s to enhance presence? Can these peripheral devices sometimes ruin the gaming experience? The aim of this article is to generate and disseminate knowledge in the game design field, in general, and in the use of new devices applied to game and play environments, in particular.

